Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she’s made it out of the bloody arena alive, she’s still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what’s worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss’s family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins’s groundbreaking Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.
Okay, first of all I had the HIGHEST expectations for this book. I loved the first one to death (Five Stars), the second one got a 4.5, and this one?... 3.5 stars. *GASP* I know right. Well, before you exit out and start hating me, hear me out.
The characters were so aggravating. Katniss turned emo and depressing on us. Peeta's "true love" didn't conquer (you know what I mean if you've read it). And Gale, ah, dear Gale... I wanted to slap him for being so feelingless. Does this make sense? The characters I thought I had known did a sort of 180 degree turn.
The writing was... eh. The last few chapters or so were so completely confusing! I had to read and re-read to figure out what was going on! And at the climax of the book, Suzanne puts a blindfold on us and has us stumble through. I felt like she had suddenly gotten tired or something and had taken the easy way out. I did NOT like Katniss' love interest, I was rooting for the other one. The ending sort of dropped, literally. I was like "what", out loud. Another thing was that some of the characters completely disappeared. I kept asking myself, "so where is this person exactly?"
This was still a good book, I read it in one sitting. And yes, this book was not all crud. It made me laugh out loud and even cry. But, the ending, in my opinion, was terrible, and I feel Suzanne Collins got lazy and just ended it all. That made me mad. After I finished it, I closed the book, sat in shocked silence for five minutes, and then began punching pillows. You know, that leaves me feeling very disappointed, because I was really looking forward to a spectacular conclusion. But, I still like the series and I don't regret reading it. It's just that "Mockingjay" wasn't the best book out of the three.
Well, if you read this far, thanks. And please, comment and tell me what you think.