*WARNING* Hakuouki, La Corda, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Fruits Basket..... basically a bunch of anime spoiler. FYI, this is a rant post.
Ok, so when you love something very much (in this case right now it would be an anime) and the ending completely sucks, what do you do?
Me? What I did was post a hate review on Crunchyroll. Start a hate forum post on Crunchyroll. Update me status a billion times about how much I hated the series. And then I tweeted about my anger and hate a billion times more. Yeah, very scary.
When Haruhi S ended with her sticking her tongue out, I was pissed. But then the creators made a 2nd "sorta" season and a movie, and there's the manga. So my pissedness wore off.
When Full Moon W S anime finished, um I was very very pissed. But then I read the manga and everything was better.
When Ouran ended, same thing as Full Moon. Was pissed, then read the manga.
Same goes for La Corda, Fruits Basket and so many more animes that it's crazy. But I think that half my anger came from my sadness that the series had ended... But my point is that my pissedness wore off.
It's been about 2 or 3 days since I saw the last episode of Hakuouki Hekketsurouku.
Okay, if you have no idea what I'm talking about and want to know, here it is. Basically thru a whole series of events a girl ends up living with a group of samurai called the Shisengumi. That was the first season. The 2nd season (Hekketsurouku) is basically about everyone in the Shisengumi DYING! Maybe about the last 5 or so epsiodes of the season, everyone was slowly killed off, except for the girl (Chizuru) and her main love interest (Hijikata). Now, this series is based of a dating sim, and the story between her and Hijikata is that they have a happy ending.
See picture as proof.
So the fangirls were not worried about Hijikata dying and were like, "Ok, last episode is gonna be happy." Instead, the creators of the series decided they wanted to die and they (to all the fangirls) KILLED HIJIKATA! Yes, he died in about 0.5 seconds and 0.5 seconds later, the anime ended. I was left completely speechless... and then I went and puked all my hate on the internet. Yeah and I am still very very pissed up til now. I have a feeling that everytime I think about this anime, I am going to be furious. The creators basically have a death wish, because once the whole episode is subbed for everyone, the fangirls are going to rile. And I will be leading them.