Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Immortals Series

The Immortals Series is a series (obviously) written by Alyson Noel. I read the first three books in three days. What does that tell you? It was AMAZING! I really loved it for some sort of reason, I'm not really sure why. I guess the idea of true love always conquering death... well not really. I can't really say much without spoiling the whole book, so sorry. But seriously, READ IT! I give it 5 Hot Damen out of 5 Hot Damens. I can't wait for the next book!

2010's 144 Book Challenge

To meet this challenge, you must read 12 books in a month for 12 months. It must be a chapter book of your reading level. If you want to read a graphic novel (manga) a whole series (no matter how long) counts as one book. And if the graphic novel is a one-shot, three of them count as one book. How's that? So far, I'm way behind. Yuck.